• Expression

    You Can Do Difficult Things

    This past week I had to do something I didn’t want to do, something that brought me a lot of fear, something that I didn’t know if I would be able to do on my own. But guess what? I did it. Was it fun? No. Was it easy? No. Do I ever want to do it again? Also, no.…

  • Expression

    How To: Set Annual Goals in 2023

    It’s the New Year… can you believe it? With the new year many people make resolutions, only for them to be easily forgotten about. I am someone who loves creating goals, I am very goal-oriented and each year I take the time to reflect and build a goal system to help me create direction for the next year. I have…

  • Expression

    How to Cope with Exhaustion

    Do you ever feel so exhausted that you want to sit on your bathroom floor and have a good cry? That was me this week. I’ve been so busy the last few weeks and months and it’s catching up to me, physically and emotionally. I feel fatigued even after getting 8 or more hours of sleep, my concentration levels are…

  • Wander

    Take a Trip with Me: Traveling to Utah

    The ability to travel, is such a sacred experience. I have almost always found it transformative in nature. Every trip that I take happens to shape who I am, alter my perspective about the world or myself, or teach me new things. Because of the recent events of the world I haven’t had the chance to indulge myself in these…

  • Expression

    The Beginning of Minimalism in My Life

    The idea of having less stuff around is so appealing to me. Less physical clutter equals less mental clutter. I have been in the mindset that I want to purge things out of my physical environment that no longer serve me. I’ve listened to podcasts, watched videos and read articles about minimalism for years, but it wasn’t until recently that…

  • Expression

    Filling Voids in Your Life

    As I sit here looking out my third floor apartment window I am reflecting on the misses and voids in my life. I feel so overwhelmed, not knowing where to start to try to remedy these feelings. I know I don’t necessarily need to fill the void, but just understand it and learn to coexist with it, maybe appreciate some…

  • Expression

    The Power of Grounding for Your Body

    I had a conversation with one of my close friends recently on the power of grounding yourself. I hadn’t used this term much up until the last year when I started to become more involved in yoga. The idea of grounding one’s self can be used in many different contexts but is meaningful when you become overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, or…