
A Gentle Reminder for Yourself on Unproductive Days

I find myself beating myself up when I have a day less than productive day. If I don’t cross everything off on my to-do list or I sit on my sofa more than I would like to, I find myself feeling down and disappointed. I feel like I can’t be the only one who has this narrative. I feel like in our hustle culture society, we are made to feel less than for not producing and performing at a high capacity at all hours of the day, all days of the week. And I really don’t like this.

I just had a long week, traveling for work, juggling my personal life, and trying to maintain a positive attitude through it all. So, why am I so hard on myself when I have a lowkey weekend, where I sit on my sofa, catch up on a couple shows, and take a nap midmorning?

I think we can all get better at giving ourselves permission to just be.

If we don’t give ourselves time to rest, recharge, and process, we can never be at 100% or stay healthy, or perform to any sort of caliber that we want to. And I think that if someone else was in our shoes, having a long week, feeling run down, we wouldn’t hesitate to tell them to take a day or two or whatever they needed to care for themselves. Let’s be nicer to ourselves, rewrite our narratives around recharging and relaxing, and learn to just be.