• Expression - Poetry

    Rose Colored Honey

    BY: Stephanie Morzewski It isn’t all just being practical and it isn’t all just fantasy, it’s somewhere in the middle where I feel like I am floating on a cloud while still being able to see the ground. Week 3 of relationship You see, I don’t want to float and just see the ground, I want to be on the…

  • Expression

    Daily Thought Diary: Thursday, August 25th

    Today, I experienced a plethora of emotions and feelings. I felt tired, excited, impatient, upset, overwhelmed, homesick, content, pleased, happy, grateful, this list could go on. I have fear that feeling all of these feelings all in one day is unmanageable. I have felt pushed to my limits today in so many ways. But at the end of the day,…

  • Expression

    Give Yourself Permission

    Give yourself permission to not be exactly who you thought you’d be when you were younger and fantasizing about growing up. You don’t have to be that person, you don’t have to look like you thought you would or talk like that, you can dress differently than you thought you would, you don’t have to have kids or get married…