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    Processing Unavoidable Chaos in Life

    Lately, life has been very chaotic. I keep getting thrown change after change, challenge after challenge. I’ve been busy to no end, I have little consistency, and I find myself swimming around in the unavoidable chaos. So, how do you process this? Find small ways to keep a routine. Routines are extremely helpful to have consistency and predictability, allowing for…

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    Respecting Your Own Boundaries: Just Say No

    I sometimes feel pushed by other people to be flexible with my boundaries. It is most often from people who don’t know me very well. Part of this comes with people reflecting their own beliefs around boundaries on other people or people being rigid in their belief systems about how people should act or behave. But without a doubt, I…

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    Processing Anxious Energy

    I have a lot of restless, anxious energy today. It’s not uncommon for me to feel this way, but usually I’m not stuck in an airplane for over an hour with no way to get that energy out. And so when I feel like my anxious energy is trapped, it tends to lead to anxious thoughts. How do I deal…

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    The Ultimate Key to Happiness

    Growing up I was always looking for ultimate happiness. What was going to make me happy, how was I going to stay happy, and where did that happiness flow from continually? This thinking pattern always led me to a dead end, it always left me wanting more and never being satisfied, and I was always disappointed. I would ask myself…

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    Navigating Discomfort in the Unknown

    Recently, I have been inundated with an unknown future. And I know that technically everyone’s future is unknown, but I feel as though all of the plans that I had and the goals I created are now obsolete. This is both a terrifying thing and an exciting thing. It means that the opportunities are endless, but it also means the…