
Daily Reminders For When You Are Feeling Low

I was reminded of many things today in the midst of a low mood. The last couple days I have been feeling very low, I’ve been stressed to the point of feeling it in my body, I’ve been isolating myself, I’ve been feeling desperate about my future. All of which are not good feelings, but today I recognized moments to help me change my narrative.

Believing in yourself and having other people to believe in you too is powerful.

After having a great conversation with a coworker today, I realized how valuable it is to believe in yourself. This coworker expressed their belief in me, my skills, and my abilities and it wasn’t until that moment that I realized I had such little faith in myself. I realized that I was getting in my own way and the moment I step out of my way, I may unlock something extremely powerful.

When you are hesitant, it’s the universe telling you that you probably should.

When I walked into yoga today I was asked if I wanted to switch to a heated class. Now for some, this sounds wonderful, but for me it made me very hesitant. I had only been to a few heated classes and they were less intense classes. I usually dislike extreme heat and humidity and have fear of getting ill from it. But I decided tonight, I may as well try it. What was the worst that could happen?

And I did it and after when talking with the instructor about my hesitance, she mentioned that sometimes its a way of the universe giving you exactly what you need. And I walked out of there feeling that exact thing. All of my stress I was holding in my body, was impossible to keep stored in my muscles at a hundred degree heat. I let it go, released it, and felt so much better. So next time you have an opportunity and feel hesitant, just do it. The universe may be trying to help you out.

The quality of curiosity and willingness to learn is invaluable.

People recognize when you are eager to learn, willing to learn, and have natural curiosity. And people appreciate that, especially in a work setting. From my experience, it shows that you care, it shows that you have commitment, and it shows that you can be flexible to adapt and grow. But this also goes beyond the workplace. In life, this also benefits relationships, platonic and romantic, it benefits your hobbies and daily activities, and it benefits your mental well being. I think we are all meant to be curious, so let yourself be curious.

Finding these moments throughout my day, really helped me to change my perspective and my overall mood today. Focusing on the little moments of peace and clarity can make all of the difference. But also, it is okay to feel low, sad, stressed, anxious, hesitant, overwhelmed, etc. Feel what you need to feel and set it free once it has served you.