
Daily Thought Diary: Friday, September 2nd

It was a beautiful day today. Based on it’s own merit, it was a beautiful day. Besides the obvious weather comments (even though the sun was shining and the breeze was warm), I did things for myself in a manner that made me feel satisfied and content. A lot of these things happened to be small, such as reaching out to friends, asking questions when I didn’t know the answers at the new eye doctor I went to, and checking off some long-standing items on my to-do list.

I felt really sure of myself today and that is a feeling that I haven’t felt much of this week. I struggled with my decision making, questioned my abilities and my worth, and was stuck in some very unhelpful thinking patterns and narratives.

But that is okay, that is going to happen. And within this, letting myself feel these things and then letting them go, taking care of myself and my needs, and then allowing myself to feel the opposite of those feelings too. These things are going to look different for everyone. I find that doing a grounding activity such as yoga helps me, taking a shower and cleansing myself helps me, and talking to people who love and support me helps me.

I am appreciating today for what it was, I am practicing kindness towards myself, and remembering that each moment is a fresh start.