
Finding Satisfaction on the Hard Days

I had a great day yesterday, it was productive, it was satisfying, and I felt content. But today, felt the exact opposite. I was laying down all day, I barely ate, and I had my face in front of a screen for hours on end. It is so hard to not feel defeated about this, to not compare this day with yesterday. But something I discovered and I mentioned in my last post, was about assessing each day and finding satisfaction in each day based on its own merit. It is not about comparing it to yesterday, or the day before, it is about assessing today for what it was.

These are some of the questions that I ask myself to assess the day for what it was:

What are you grateful for today?

However big or small this is for you that day, it also doesn’t have to be stereotypical, or it can be just that, whatever this means for you. Gratitude has a big part in how we view the world and how we interact with it.

What was the best thing that happened to you today?

It could be a conversation you had, something big that happened at work, or maybe someone smiling at you on the sidewalk.

What is something that you would like to improve upon from today?

This isn’t about being hard on yourself or picking yourself apart, this is about looking for areas that can be improved by just one percent the next day. Examples are drinking one more glass of water, exercising for one more minute, or writing one more sentence. This will apply to whatever your personal habits are.

What made you feel good today?

Was it the shower you took, the meal you shared with your family, or maybe just the sunshine on your skin?

What are some of your wins today?

This can be the smallest thing, like brushing your teeth or getting out of bed or maybe handling a difficult situation well. Or it can be that you made it through the day no matter what happened, you made it.

This list could expand even longer, but at the end of the day, its about reflecting on the positive things that happened within the day, even if that specific day the positive items were getting out of bed and brushing your teeth. If you can master finding satisfaction in being your best or within your capacity that day, then you can master anything.

I hope your hard days get better.