
Give Yourself Permission

Give yourself permission to not be exactly who you thought you’d be when you were younger and fantasizing about growing up.

You don’t have to be that person, you don’t have to look like you thought you would or talk like that, you can dress differently than you thought you would, you don’t have to have kids or get married if you don’t want that anymore, you don’t have to live where you thought you wanted to. It’s okay to change your mind or discover something new that makes you happy. It’s okay to have different goals than your family or friends or your younger self. It’s okay.

Give yourself permission to come into your new being as you change, grow, and evolve. You cannot stop the changes, they will happen, but you can learn to fall in love with all the new versions of yourself, each and every time and give yourself grace to listen to your gut, your mind, and your heart. Only you can give yourself that. No one else can do that for you.

Give yourself permission.

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