
How to Cope with Exhaustion

Do you ever feel so exhausted that you want to sit on your bathroom floor and have a good cry? That was me this week. I’ve been so busy the last few weeks and months and it’s catching up to me, physically and emotionally. I feel fatigued even after getting 8 or more hours of sleep, my concentration levels are very low, and my appetite is suppressed. But this is the best time to be mindful, even though you may not want to be.

Listen to your body

If you feel like you need to sleep more, do it. It’s okay if it’s 10 hours or 12, rest is so important to keeping a clear mind and a healthy body. If you need to cry, let yourself cry it out. Whatever your body is saying, allow yourself the time and space to listen to it. I have found that when I don’t listen to my body, it catches up to me and I end up getting sick. Therefore, listening before that happens always feels like the better option.

Set boundaries

If you feel overcommitted and overwhelmed, say no. Set a boundary with yourself and other people. Create a limit of the number and size of commitments each day or week. And stick to it. It is okay to temporarily disappoint people in order to preserve your own well being, they will get over it.

Automate tasks

If there is a task you can automate, do it. Not only does it save you time, it’s one less thing to add to your to-do list. Whether it’s auto pay for certain bills, auto refill on everyday products or medications, or reoccurring appointments. This will keep you from having to remember to do little things that help you focus your energy on larger tasks.

Set frequent check-in points

Schedule frequent and consistent check-in points with yourself. By having routine times to analyze how you’re feeling physically and mentally it can help you to interfere before burnout and breakdown. Then, not only recognize what you’re feeling, work to do something about it.

It’s also okay to be tired, to deal with exhaustion, and to need a break. Allow yourself the time and whatever else you may need, even when it is difficult to find the time in your day. Don’t forget to breathe, eat, and sleep. I am wishing you the best!