
How to Live Like You’re Retired in Your 20’s

I have recently adapted the retirement mindset. I see how my parents live in their retirement, doing things they enjoy, living carefree, and being willing to take adventures as they come. Why can’t we live with this mindset even in our 20’s? I know we have jobs, bills to pay, and planning for our future. But all of this aside, we still have our lives to live. How can we incorporate a “retirement mindset” in our 20’s or wherever we are at in life?

Do things you enjoy regardless of the day of the week your calendar tells you it is.

Just because it’s a Tuesday doesn’t mean you can’t meet up with a friend after work or participate in an activity you enjoy.

Take opportunities to travel and explore as they come to you.

Visit a friend, plan a road trip, and take that PTO.

Learn how to maximize your money.

Learn about money, how to spend it properly, how to save it properly, how to invest it. Then use your money how you want to, not how other people tell you to use it. Also remember, not every experience costs money if your budget is tight. There are plenty of low-cost and no-cost options to still have an enjoyable experience.

Create space in your schedule to just be.

Not every moment has to be filled with something. The luxury of time seems like a huge component of retirement and if you can already find the time in your existing day, create more efficiencies in daily tasks, and say no to more, the luxury of time will find you.

When it comes down to it, it’s about balance. A balance between the necessary tasks of life and the natural enjoyment of life. This mindset is achievable and sustainable.

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