
Navigating Discomfort in the Unknown

Recently, I have been inundated with an unknown future. And I know that technically everyone’s future is unknown, but I feel as though all of the plans that I had and the goals I created are now obsolete. This is both a terrifying thing and an exciting thing. It means that the opportunities are endless, but it also means the opportunities are endless. These feelings are extremely uncomfortable.

How do I work through these feelings? What do I do when my goal oriented mind, is filled with anxious thoughts? Where can I find a sense of control in the limbo?

Mindfulness seems like my greatest tool and my best friend in every situation.

If I am feeling anxious or overwhelmed, taking a step back, assessing what I am feeling and stating the facts of the current moment. Then addressing what my current needs are in that moment. Do I need to find a way to ground myself? Do I need to address my narrative about myself or the current situation? Do I need to talk to someone about what I am feeling? Do I need exercise, to drink some water, or eat some food? Do I need more sleep? What is it that I may need to care for myself in those moments?

Allowing myself to feel what I am feeling and accepting it.

The ability to recognize our feelings and then allow them to be what they will be is an extremely powerful skill. I don’t need to fight the bad feelings, or even the good ones. I can accept my anger, my fear, my sadness, my happiness for what it is. Feeling them, accepting them, holding onto them as long as they serve me, and then letting them go.

Having faith in myself to by flexible, adaptable, and resilient through the uncertainty.

I don’t do well with uncertainty, but giving myself grace to feel what I need to in those moments, but also giving myself support and belief that I can handle whatever comes in the future. It may not turn out how I thought it was going to. It may suck, it may be better than I ever thought, or it may be somewhere in between. No matter the outcome, allowing myself to have faith in my abilities and believe in myself will help me have strength and perseverance in the unknown.

It is all uncomfortable, but it is also very exciting to know that there are infinite possibilities for the future. I’m not sure if I am just feeling optimistic in this moment, but I have a feeling that everything will work out, I will find a way for it to. Everyday is just a moment by moment process. It isn’t about planning out the rest of my life, the next five years, or even the next month if I don’t feel ready for that. I can give myself grace in all of the discomfort and I can find peace in the unknown.