
Processing Unavoidable Chaos in Life

Lately, life has been very chaotic. I keep getting thrown change after change, challenge after challenge. I’ve been busy to no end, I have little consistency, and I find myself swimming around in the unavoidable chaos. So, how do you process this?

Find small ways to keep a routine.

Routines are extremely helpful to have consistency and predictability, allowing for more structure for your brain. I have found over time that many mental health professionals have suggested having some form of routine in order to help with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses. A routine can seem super overwhelming with the idea of planning a whole day out or keeping a portion of a day in the same structure, but it can actually be super simple. It can be as easy as waking up at the same time everyday, eating three meals a day, or listening to music as you get ready. It doesn’t have to be large to be a routine, just simple habits.

Create space to care for yourself.

Find ways to care for yourself each day, however big or small. It can be a shower routine, exercising, reading a book, or simply washing your face. Opening up space to check in with yourself and care for some of your basic needs can help to ground yourself in all of the uncertainty. If you don’t care for yourself, you can’t effectively care for the challenges being thrown your direction.

Lean on your support system.

Having people in your life to help you process events and outcomes can provide relief from keeping it all inside your own mind. An ear to listen, a shoulder to lean on, and a helping hand. Setting your pride and ego aside, ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. Allow people to help you and ask for exact things that will help your needs.

Be willing to say no.

If you are already feeling overwhelmed with the chaos, don’t say yes to more. Say no when you feel like there is already too much on your plate. Be honest with others and yourself about your current capacity. It is always okay to say no.

Life will always be filled with mountains and valleys, they are unavoidable. And sometimes the mountain can become really steep, a storm rolls in, and you’ve just drank your last bottle of fresh water. But remember that you have all of the tools you need to succeed. Chaos will always be a part of life and is a constant in it’s own way, but there are ways to process and cope in order to find peace and contentment through it all.