
The Beginning of Minimalism in My Life

The idea of having less stuff around is so appealing to me. Less physical clutter equals less mental clutter. I have been in the mindset that I want to purge things out of my physical environment that no longer serve me.

I’ve listened to podcasts, watched videos and read articles about minimalism for years, but it wasn’t until recently that something clicked for me. I realized it isn’t about getting rid of stuff, its about adjusting your mindset around stuff to serve your needs and bring you joy, whatever that looks like for you. And for me, it also means cutting my shopping habits down, reevaluating how I spend my money and where I spend my money, and being conscious about the items that I keep and bring into my life.

But the process has been longer than I’ve wanted it to be and a lot more exhausting than I thought it would be too. I’ve set goals for myself of going through different rooms and closets and areas of my living space, but it always takes at least twice as long to go through each area than I think it would. I am trying not to get discouraged in the time it’s taking, but rather feel encouraged that I haven’t given up, I am still going. I know that at the ‘end’ of this, which I don’t think there ever really is an end to consciously evaluating your belongings, I will feel better.

Some of my favorite resources around minimalism are individuals that call themselves The Minimalists. I love listening to their podcast, watching their videos on YouTube and reading their articles about minimalism. I love their perspectives on the world and their advice they offer. If you are interested in learning more about minimalism and it’s basics I would recommend checking them out.

In the future, as I continue my journey, I think I will have more to document and share about my process. So stay tuned for how this looks in my life and what I will be sharing about my shifting habits and feelings around stuff.