
The Power of Grounding for Your Body

I had a conversation with one of my close friends recently on the power of grounding yourself. I hadn’t used this term much up until the last year when I started to become more involved in yoga. The idea of grounding one’s self can be used in many different contexts but is meaningful when you become overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, or experiencing other emotions that may consume you and distort your narrative.

Everyone is going to have different activities that help them feel grounded, but the basis of it is to become more aware of your body and your surroundings in the present moment.

Here are some examples of grounding activities:

  • Yoga
  • Walking/running/hiking outdoors
  • Meditating
  • Deep breathing exercises
  • Journaling
  • Introducing scents such as essential oils
  • Any activity that stimulates your sense of touch, such as drinking cold water, holding ice, or putting cold water on your neck and face (this can help in the more extreme cases with feelings such as disassociation)
  • Playing and creating music

This list can go on and on and what works for one person may not work for another. It is all about what works for you, in any particular situation that you may need it.

I also find that by incorporating grounding into your every day routine you will be less likely to need it in a pinch because you are already practicing it and keeping in touch with your body. This could look like doing yoga in your mornings, meditating or journaling for just five minutes each day, or taking walks each day. Whatever is looks like for you to check in with yourself and your body, being mindful of your needs in each moment.