
You Can Do Difficult Things

This past week I had to do something I didn’t want to do, something that brought me a lot of fear, something that I didn’t know if I would be able to do on my own. But guess what? I did it. Was it fun? No. Was it easy? No. Do I ever want to do it again? Also, no.

But after I did it, I had this moment where I realized how proud of myself I was. I did the thing. And no matter what you are going through, you can get through it too.

How? Here’s how:

Recognize that you are capable to handle any challenge that comes your way. Repeat that to yourself, until you believe it. You have more strength, persistence, resilience, and resources than you realize. You are SO capable.

Breathe. Find a way to breathe through the uncomfortable. Breathe when it is painful, physically and/or emotionally. Breathe when it is comfortable. Breathe when you are unsure. Breathe when you are scared. Take a moment to take a deep breath. It will do your body wonders.

Lean on your support system. Talk to your friends, your family, or whomever is in the your life. Allow them to helpful you and support you in whatever you need. You are capable of doing difficult things, but it doesn’t mean you have to do it alone. Community and companionship will help your morale through the hard times.

Use coping tools that work for you. Everyone has different tools in their toolbox that help them process challenging things. Exercise, go to therapy, make art, journal, volunteer, do whatever it is that helps you feel at peace and releases anxious energy. And it is okay if it is different than what someone else would do, find what works for you and do that.

You can do this. You’ve got this. You can do difficult things.